Prophetic Prayer Relationship With God
Prophetic Prayer is your line of Communication with God
Within the Proverbs in the Scriptures, it could be inferred that when one enters into a relationship with God, wisdom could be attained or that when wisdom is attained, one has found God (Seeking earnestly Yahweh’s gift of wisdom, 2009). As elaborated on the preceding sections, true wisdom comes only from God. Thus, it is only through having constant communication with God that one can be assured that the wisdom we gain is from Him. It could readily be seen that if an intimate and correct relationship with God is not established and if the person allows only his/her mind to focus on the limited and finite environment that his/her senses perceive, he/she would not be able to acquire the true wisdom, which God would like to bestow upon him/her. He/she must open up a line of communication with God to allow Him to impart His wisdom.
True wisdom affords a person access to true and harmonious living that is in accordance to the Will of God (Seeking, 2009). It is the occupation of true wisdom to impart to others insights, senses and the proper conduct and judgment that he/she must utilize in his/her own life. This means that wisdom allows a person to live in the Will of God, free from the bondage of sin and victorious over temptations.
The words of the Proverbs assure those who have received the gift of wisdom will receive protection from the advances and manipulations of evil agents (Seeking, 2009). This protection is given through the insight gained from God. As God is wisdom Himself, He would direct and lead the person away from the clutches of those who wish to do the person harm. Even if God determines that these paths would cross, He undoubtedly equips believers with whatever is necessary for them to overcome evil.
Those who have received the gift of prayer will most definitely gain as well understanding and knowledge of the intricacies of holy living and those of the natural sciences. Jacob, Solomon, and St. Thomas, are some of those who have gained this benefit from the gift of wisdom each of them have received.
Experience the Power of Prophecy with Prophetic Prayer
The gift of prayer comes with the power to impart the insights gained from God. Through Aaron, Moses was able to lead the people out of Egypt. God provides us with the necessary tools to serve others.
God bequeaths not just the gift of wisdom but couples this with the burning desire to undertake heroic pursuits for the salvation of others and the continuous glorification of Himself and the edification of His Church (de Monfront, 2005). This happens as the believer with the gift of wisdom can see to the ultimate purpose behind all things, most especially challenges and tests, and this gives him the determination and courage required to attain great achievements and perform heroic deeds.
Prophetic Prayer is a Gift of Wisdom
The gift of Prayer and wisdom is a gift that empowers recipients to gain insights that only God can provide. It is only thru, by and from Him, that true wisdom could be gained. Believers should be knowledgeable and wary however of the different types and kinds of wisdom. One should be critical of the wisdom he/she gains, as it might be that which is not from God and could therefore lead him/her away from the path of true and fruitful living. The individual must be able to differentiate what is divine wisdom from worldly wisdom or natural wisdom.
As has been mentioned, divine wisdom is that which comes from God alone, any other type is what could be considered as worldly wisdom. Divine wisdom directs a person into action in accordance to the Will of God while worldly wisdom oftentimes direct him/her to the gratification of some individual interest or desire.
Natural wisdom, on the other hand, is perhaps much more difficult to differentiate as this type of wisdom tends to concentrate more on the natural sciences and the understanding of amoral facts and relationships. Natural wisdom in itself is not evil. What would make this type of wisdom different and contradicting to the Will of the Lord is the purpose to which the wisdom is to be utilized and the manner in which it is used, as could be seen from the experiences and acts of the ancients, most notably the Greeks.
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