Power to Shift: Don’t Just Sit There… Shift!
Yesterday, I was sitting in my car at a red light, staring at the traffic. My first thought was, this is going to be a long ride. After five minutes of sitting in traffic, I noticed something that brought a smile to my face. There were some cars that refused to play by the rules. They were so impatient that they started cutting the line. Their actions caused many to blow their horns, bringing attention to what was happening.
As I was sitting in my car watching all this take place, I started saying to myself quietly, use your signals and change lanes. What was obvious to me, was NOT obvious to those other drivers cutting the line. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Tell my sons and daughters that there are NO shortcuts to getting to their WEALTHY PLACE.”
We Have The Power to Shift
We cannot abruptly and haphazardly move into the WEALTHY PLACE. Likewise, we cannot illegally cut the line. Nor can we just sit there and remain stuck. We have to use our signals. When we use our signals, we bring attention to the fact that we are changing lanes. WE HAVE THE POWER TO SHIFT WHENEVER WE CHOOSE!
If we fail to use our signals, we can cause traffic to come to a standstill. Whatever has got us backed up (fear, procrastination, limiting thoughts, low self-esteem, disappointment, lack, want, need), is a result of our failure to signal that we are ready to SHIFT!
Use Your Power to Shift to Control Circumstances In Your Life
I want everyone to know that it is the time to SHIFT, and I need to clear the way for everyone! Our negative thoughts about money have caused us to stay halted in the “broke” lane, when God wants us to SHIFT into the fast lane to the WEALTHY PLACE.
- The strongholds that were designed to bankrupt us, must yield to our signals.
- Any opposing forces, must yield to our signals.
- Anything in our path, must yield to our signals.
It’s Time to Shift
IT’S TIME FOR US TO SHIFT! When we start using our spiritual signals, something remarkable happens. We begin to prepare ourselves to SHIFT into the exceptional season that God has for us. Let us choose to come out of the “halted” lane and SHIFT into the lane to the WEALTHY PLACE. I hear God saying, “Whatever we do, DO NOT give room to the enemy!“
- If we use reason, we will talk ourselves out of the SHIFT!
- Should we need to know everything that is going to happen on the journey to our WEALTHY PLACE, we will talk ourselves out of the SHIFT!
- If we give into fear and succumb to the pressures of our oncoming thoughts, we will talk ourselves out of the SHIFT!
- Should we yield to the negative thoughts of others, we will talk ourselves out of the SHIFT!
You Will Be Unstoppable When You Recognize That You Have The Power to Shift
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