Ponder for Progress

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March 13, 2018

Ponder for Progress

There are things in this life that we should keep, and there are things that we should let go of. How do we know which ones to?

Every day, there are things that people who are earnestly seeking progress are doing. Here are some of the questions they ponder upon to guide them on what to do:


  • Have I done any good today?


Did you help anybody? Were you able to help yourself? Throughout the day, seek to do good. Whether it’s just a simple task or a complex one, we can do good through being of service to others. We may not know it when we do it, but our actions always have an impact on someone’s life.

  • What should I stop doing?


Are there habits that you need to break? Over the years, we have come to accumulate some unnecessary habits and manners that may not be as beneficial to our well-being. We must find out what these habits are and consciously try to change them by doing other things. Replace bad habits with good ones. Only then can we be able to move forward.

  • What can I do better?


You do many good things, but what can you do better? We can find more ways to serve, more ways to be a better friend, a better parent, or a better child. Let us also recognize the good in us that we can add a little more sugar to. Be creative and do things differently.

Every night before you go to bed and before you ask the Lord for guidance, you should ask yourself some of these questions. Think about them so that you may know what to ask for in God’s wisdom and power to be able to help you get through this life. Our goal as humans should not be merely to exist, but to live well and in a state of progress.

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