How To Use Prophetic Prayer?
Prophetic prayer has always been around since the beginning. When you use prophetic prayer in your life, you start to receive answers for your life. You start to walk deeper in the things of God.
Prophetic Prayer is a very powerful and encompassing tool that an individual can use to enter God’s throne of grace. Many people are not aware how to utilize and enjoy its maximum potential in their lives. An individual too often, just recites empty words or at times, just simply asks things from God as if God is obliged to give them everything they want or need.
Prophecy, on the other hand, is a form of prayer in its highest order. The best definition can be located in the book of Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” In layman’s understanding prophecy means, “to foretell or to bring forth.”
Intercession is also another form of prayer; this is when a person prays on behalf of another person. Prophecy, therefore, when combined with intercession results in an unbelievable extension of God’s power through “Prophetic Intercession.” Bishop E. Bernard Jordan is an anointed prophet who can go directly in God’s throne of grace and pray on your behalf and find answers to your prayers.
Before anyone can even go to the level of prophetic intercession, it is a must to understand the prayer that God himself taught us, “The Lord’s Prayer.” In using this prayer, there are four “P” patterns to be used and followed; Praise, Petition, Penitence and Prophetic. Praise is very crucial because it is the time of sweet surrender to God in songs and worship. It is the time when one can completely forget all of life’s troubles and be filled with the Holy Spirit and embrace God’s love. It is the time, when one can declare his full surrender to God’s will, that in spite of what is happening around, he puts his trust in God alone.
This is also the time when one rises above in the spirit realm and enjoys God’s grace in His throne of grace. It is an awesome experience that no one can describe in words, but when one reaches even the gate of God’s kingdom, that person will be at a loss and be in awe. This step is very important because it is only here when a person can move on to the next P.
Those who have special gifts and can enter freely in the Throne of the Almighty are called prophets like, Bishop E. Bernard Jordan. They are able to make intercessional prophetic prayers; they are also able to see and hear in the Spirit that is why they can make a powerful prophecy.
Petition is the next step that most people think they have mastered, but, the truth is, God requires His children to meet Him first in the Throne of His grace. This is because only when a person is able to enter the Throne will he understand God’s design and will for his life. Otherwise, people may only be praying for things that God never meant them to have at all. It is only here, when this verse will have its full power,
“Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” Mark 11:24
This is the time when one has heard from God and understood His will and recognized His plan in his life.
Penitence stands for asking forgiveness. It is the time of making breakthroughs by confessing all sins to God. Remember, however, that God cannot be mocked because He looks at the heart for its motives. This act also cleanses the heart from any feelings of condemnation.
The last P, for prophetic, is just as important as praise, because in this step, a person is praying, not towards the Throne, but, from the Throne where all power and majesty is evident. In prophetic prayer like what Bishop E. Bernard Jordan can do, he is able to make commandments that cannot be broken.
This is confirmed in the verse; “surely the Lord God will do nothing, except He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets” Amos 3:7
The only way for a prophet to know and see God’s plans is to wait upon Him until He impresses something in the heart of a prophet.
Understanding prophetic prayer now gives a person the knowledge on how to cultivate the gift of prayer. In time, God can bless a person the gift of being able to enter boldly in His Throne of grace, when that happens just like with Bishop E. Bernard Jordan one will be able to do and perform great things just as the Lord has planned it for your life.
KW: Prophetic, Prophecy, prayer, prayers, praying, Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
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