Your Prayer Life is Faith Arise and Activation
Are you ready to arise your faith and activate the promise of God? Your prayer life will create a Godly visitation if you allow God to take action in your life.
This is time that the people of God, must arise into new arenas. We can no longer turn our backs but we have to take a stand. We have to take a stand for not just for ourselves but for our family and community. Our prayers will activate the things that God has for our life. Our prophetic prayers will activate the clarity and direction that God has for your life.
The Holy Spirit quickened me to go to Luke 7. In the story the child of the widow of Nain.
Jesus encountered, in the unsuspecting town of Nain, a young man being carried out for burial. Just like many of our dreams and aspirations, he was dead on arrival! Yet, Jesus told the man’s mother, a widow, “DON’T WEEP.”
Jesus said to the dead son, “Young man, I say to you arise.” He stood up and began to speak. The people were astounded, shouting, “God has visited His people.” (Luke 7:11-17)
This year, I heard Lord say “ARISE”!
“Can I tell you that this is our time to Arise”
- We can arise out of Debt
- We can arise out of Depression
- We can arise out of Disparity
- We can arise out of Distructions
- We can arise out of Discourage
- We can arise out of Disappointment
We can and We will arise!
Our prophetic prayer is what activates our faith!
This year, your prophetic prayer that you are praying for is going to start to activate new experiences that will bring you more prosperity, joy and the happiness of what God has for you.
I want you to take a moment and simply start to allow God to use you like never before.
Start to use your prophetic prayer by already seeing, God will have you arise from every disaster that will take place around you. See how God will start to have you to minister to the person next to you that may have a need. See, how God will use you to be the one that will be the savior of your family.
As your personal prophet, I can only stand with those who want to take a stand for a better life with prophecy.
I want to invite you to our 12:00 AM Midnight Prayer Call Eastern Standard Time with the Company of Prophets. This Conference Call is MAD ( Making a Difference). You can make a difference by your prophetic prayers that you offer up. God Bless!
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