Prophetic Prayer and Prophecy

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prophetic prayer
May 15, 2018

Prophetic Prayer and Prophecy


There is so much power in prophecy and prophetic prayer. As children many of us remember waking up in the middle of the night and panicking if it was completely dark in the room, or even worse, seeing a shadow would cause us to freeze and not move.  Being afraid of the dark appeared to be a natural response to the situation. Many our prayers as children has gotten us to adulthood. It’s amazing how the mind works once it has been programmed to think or respond a certain way. Prophecy and prophetic prayer helps us to move forward.

As we got older, those monsters in the closet manifested as job loss, divorce, cancer, low self-esteem, disappointment, poverty and lack. Through prophecy and prophetic prayer you can learn to live again. Light and faith go hand-in-hand, like darkness and this world go hand-in-hand.  When we think of darkness our minds naturally conjure up negative images of a dark, dreary, cold place.  However, if darkness continues to be something that we are afraid of, we lessen our ability to go through the storms and come out victorious. God created you to have victory and dominion!  In fact God made you in His image and after His likeness.  You were not created to be afraid of anything!

You will never walk in victory, you will never experience prosperity, you will never experience divine health and peaceful living until you divorce yourself from the thought that all darkness is evil.  Then and only then can you begin to move in true manifestation.  Where you are in life does not matter.  The obstacles that are ahead of you are not your concern.  When you discover the truth about yourself and realize that you are more than who you think, your light will begin to shine in every dark area of your life.  Instead of being afraid of the dark, you will see its purpose in your life.

There are things trapped in your darkness waiting for you to declare, “Let there be!”  When you grab hold of this truth and power you will never be afraid of the dark again! Join the prophetic prayer list. Through prophetic prayer and prophecy, you can conquer any demon.


Read previous: Following God’s Word to Attain Your Prayer Request

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